Friday, October 12, 2007

Techniques For Mold Cleanup That Most Never Heard Of

When you’re talking about removing the mold from a home or a business, there are a number of different techniques that can be used depending on what kind of material you need to remove mold from. There are mold remediation professionals that have developed their own methods for removal, so their particular technique might not be listed here. Even though it may not be listed here, that does not necessarily mean that it does not work.

A wet vacuum cleaner can be used to clean up mold. The area should be wet thoroughly and scrubbed first with the mold killing chemicals, but this should only be done on hard surfaces such as vinyl, concrete, countertops, and etcetera. Porous surfaces should not be treated in this manner. The vacuum should only be used on these areas while they are still wet, because if it is allowed to dry, the mold spores can become airborne. This equipment should be washed and sterilized after use if at all possible in order to remove any remaining mold spores.

If you have a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter in it, this will help make sure that the mold spores are gathered up by the vacuum and are not redistributed back into the air you breathe while you are working. After you are done cleaning up a room after removing mold, both the filter and everything collected by the vacuum cleaner needs to be disposed of in some heavy duty plastic bags. Wearing a respirator and gloves when dealing with these things is necessary to avoid health risks and you should not stir up the contents of the vacuum cleaner if possible.

You can also use a damp cloth to wipe mold off of a countertop or a laminated floor (again, nonporous surfaces), but if you do not use chemicals that have been proven to kill mold, this will only have a cosmetic effect. This will not remove the mold completely and it will just grow back in time. Follow the directions on the fungicide that you choose to use in this cleaning process. If there are any porous materials that are infected with mold, these need to be thrown away. You usually cannot completely remove mold from these kinds of items and keeping them around is just asking for trouble. The best thing that you can do is just throw them away.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Connecticut water damage contractors and other states and cities such as
Chicago mold remediation companies across the united states.